Tips for Installation Day

The day has arrived!  New floors are coming to your home.  Before there’s a knock on the door, and Eastman’s Crew greets you with a smiling face, make sure that your home is prepped and ready for installation day.  You’ll enjoy your amazing new floors soon.

Here are tips to remember when preparing for a smooth installation day.

Don’t Overthink It – Use practical sense for what items you move and where you put them.  What rooms are getting new flooring? Are there belongings or furnishings that are on that flooring space that need to be moved?  Are there any obstacles that can slow down the work?  Our installers can help move heavy items if you need assistance, but prepare by moving precious belongings, small items and personal items ahead of time.  If you can move larger items ahead of time, installers can get right to work on your new flooring.

Think About Dust- This often is a result of removing old flooring but can also be a product of installation.  Cover and store items that you want to keep free from dust and particles.  This is particularly useful to think about in the kitchen.  Sealing or covering items/areas prevents extra clean up time later.
Keep Fur-Babies Safe – We love pets, but often times with extra noise and movement in and around the house, your pets can become overwhelmed.  They’re usually happier if they are away from installation areas in a spare room or at a pet daycare during working hours.  They will be happy with new floors, but may not love our technicians or the noises of installation.

Prepare Your Time – Some installation jobs can be finished in a day, but others may have require more time for cutting, installation or finishing.  Make sure you have plans to avoid the areas where installation is happening and remind your family they will not have access to those specific areas of the house for a few days, if necessary.  Ask our experts and installers for help with expected timelines and impact to your family’s routines during installation day(s).

Your installation day will come and go quickly.  Being prepared will help you, your family and your pets to have a smoother process, faster installation and fewer surprises.  If you have questions or concerns, feel free to give us a call or download this preparedness guide.

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