Piles of papers, cobwebs in the corners, and leftover cups of coffee don’t exactly convey that professional office setting you’re going for. First impressions do make a difference, and simply having a tidy office can make a good one. Just a few easy tasks can keep your office space neat and tidy and create an atmosphere your employees and clients will love.
Bust The Dust. Weekly wipe downs with a duster or cloth are perfect for your desk. Wipe down desktops, monitors, computers, and decorations. Dryer sheets are also great for wiping down areas because they clean effectively and repel dust, meaning you have to clean less frequently. For those hard to reach crevices such as computer keyboards, phones, and other electronic equipment, compressed air dusting cans are great. To avoid pushing dust further into equipment, use a mini vacuum cleaner to pull the dust out first. However, leave the delicate components inside a computer or other electronic devices to your IT professional.
Keep Your Break Room Clean. Break rooms require diligent maintenance to keep employees healthy, and a clean break room is just as important as a sanitary restroom. Germs can spread quickly when employees fail to clean up properly after lunch or a snack. Set rules for your staff to dispose of cups and containers, and never leave food sitting out. If employees use plates, glasses, or silverware from the office kitchen, they should wash, dry, and put them away immediately. If they heated food in the microwave, splatters should be cleaned up right away. By working together, everyone can ensure that the break room is a clean, enjoyable place to eat.
Empty Trash Cans Daily. Avoid attracting pests and creating lingering odors by removing trash from your office each day. Encourage employees to dispose of trash daily by placing a very small can at each desk. Providing a receptacle that only holds what typically accumulates in a single day reinforces the notion that trash should be removed on a daily basis. Place central waste stations in high traffic areas, for employees to empty trash cans into at the end of each workday. Then, your custodial crew only has to empty the central receptacles each night, saving time by eliminating the need to visit each desk.
Clean Floors Safely. Slips, trips, and falls due to wet floors and trailing wires from vacuum and buffing machines are a common occurrence that can easily be avoided. While signs and cones can warn of a hazard, they won’t keep people from entering an area that is under maintenance. For maximum safety, prevent pedestrian access to floors that are being cleaned with barriers, or by locking doors. If blocking access isn’t feasible, your maintenance crew should know how to set up signage properly. Signs should be highly visible, and care should be taken to ensure that the signs themselves don’t pose a trip and fall hazard.
Cleanliness is one of the first things clients notice when visiting your office, yet maintaining order doesn’t have to be a challenge. By instructing each employee to do their part, routine maintenance will keep your office looking shiny and new.