
Grey is the New Black

Image Colors can make a home feel welcoming and fun-loving, but too much color can lend to a feeling of chaos or childishness.  Where do you start when you don’t want plain white or a clashing disharmony in your decor?  Start with a neutral base and design your décor from there with a limited…


Replacing Floors: Don’t Forget Thresholds

Flooring renovations are a great investment in your home.  When planning your flooring projects, don’t forget to allow for thresholds.  A threshold is the entryway from room to room and for our purposes – where two kinds of flooring meet.  These transitional spaces must be safe, functional, and look great with home decor.  Your installer…


Warm Tones for a Chill Retreat

After spending a summer day at the beach, nothing beats returning to your summer home, sipping a cold drink, and watching the sun set over the Atlantic.  One way to make your chill retreat feel cozy and inviting is to incorporate warm colors.   Here are some tips to consider for a comfy, cozy home this…


Springing For New Floors

It’s springtime.  While you’re looking forward to longer days and flowers, it’s also time to tackle “spring cleaning.”  This time of year, you can find motivation to clean out closets, reduce clutter and update your living spaces.  An updated floor is a great place to start. And with Eastman’s, you can update your flooring without…


NC E-Procurement for Agencies

Over the years, government budgeting and bidding have changed.  A few state government agencies, including North Carolina, have created E-Procurement services to help government agencies have the ability to generate bids and purchase orders with ease.  Over 60,000 entities have joined the service to date.  Eastman’s flooring has been a registered vendor in the NC…


Choosing a Trusted Contractor

Every renovation project has a few twists and turns.  Hiring a trusted contractor who can help you navigate the process is important.  Your budget is approved, you’ve got an idea or two for new flooring, now it’s time to choose the flooring company who will provide and install your new flooring.  What criteria should you…


Flooring for Commercial and High Traffic Areas

There comes a time when every agency needs flooring replaced, especially organizations that see large numbers of people walking on their floors every day.  Businesses, schools, hospitals, government buildings, and shopping centers have heavy foot-traffic and need durable, easy to clean flooring.  Each high-traffic application has unique uses and needs.  At Eastman’s, we help target…


Organizing Your Space: Grouping with Rugs

You’ve likely heard the saying, “a place for everything and everything in its place.”  Organized spaces feel more orderly and tranquil.  Spaces that are undefined, unorganized or cluttered tend to create feelings of unrest.   Many homeowners today favor “open” floor plans and larger spaces.  If you’re looking for a way to visually define areas within…


Keeping Your Floors Clean in 2018

Keeping your floors clean is one resolution worth keeping this year.  Protect your family, your pets and your floors in 2018 by paying just a little bit of attention to the floors you walk on every day. Vacuuming No need to go out and buy the newest cleaning tools yet, just tell the kids to…


The Color Green has Something to Say

Green is the most abundant color found in nature.  Because it’s seen outdoors and in many healthy foods, it’s a color often associated with life, growth and health.  Some green shades can have a relaxing effect and others are associated with vitality. A few “green” associations: Health – you’ll see a lot of green in…