Perfect Pet Flooring


You love your pets unconditionally, but when they start scratching and going to the bathroom on your floors, they begin to test your patience. We all know accidents happen, but when they happen repeatedly, it’s no longer just a nuisance, it becomes a problem for your flooring.

Luckily, there are flooring options that will not only look great in your home, but will also help alleviate some of the stress of having pets:


Luxury Vinyl:
This flooring is not only visually appealing, it’s features will please you too. The newer locking systems of vinyl flooring allows it to be waterproof. If your pet has an accident on the floor, you no longer have to worry about it seeping through to the subfloor. Vinyl flooring is also more resistant when it comes to scratches. Your puppy can run around without the constant fear of having scratch marks all over your floors. Luxury vinyl can mimic almost any style flooring – stone, hardwood, concrete, etc. On top of all those great features, vinyl flooring also offers easy maintenance and is cost effective. If you have pets and need new flooring, luxury vinyl should be on your list.


Tile flooring is another top option when looking for pet-friendly flooring. It combines a classic look with durability and moisture resistance. Tile is known to be long-lasting and is available in numerous colors and styles. While it is a little colder underfoot, tile is a great option for heavy traffic areas. Similar to vinyl, pets can run around on tile floors without leaving a trail of scratch marks.


Cork flooring offers a lot of benefits, it’s hypoallergenic and provides antibacterial qualities. Cork is less rigid and more forgiving than hardwood or tile, making it softer underfoot. Cork is resilient, durable and impact resistant, however is not scratch resistant. Light color cork will help hide the scratches, but they can still occur.


Just because you have pets doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the comfort and warmth of carpet. Shaw offers their patented and proven LifeGuard carpets. These carpets shield your carpets will beneath the surface, protecting the entire fiber against stains. The stain repellent prevents liquids from soaking into the carpet padding and subfloor. This gives you more time to attend to accidents, makes cleanup easier, and helps prevent odors. The stain repellent on LifeGuard carpets will not fade away like others. This stain treatment will continue to perform even after repeated cleanings.


Take our Perfect Flooring Quiz to find out what flooring fits your lifestyle. If you need more guidance or want to learn more about specific flooring, visit us in store or call us at 252-726-2737.


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