Go Barefoot – #NationalGoBarefootDay

June 1st is national Go Barefoot Day, and as flooring specialists, we can’t be more excited!  Of course, we could tell you all about our softest carpeting that feels like walking on clouds, or even our best quality of wood flooring with its natural grains that seem to massage the bottom of your feet, or we could mention the smoothness of our Luxury vinyl plank, but we won’t this time.

We wanted to focus on a wonderful group of people; Soles 4 Souls.

S4S is an amazing organization that has many facets, but their main belief is that everyone around the world deserves a good pair of shoes.  They help create sustainable jobs around the world for impoverished peoples and provide good quality shoes for them to work in.    Their main values as a company are to be “Transparent, entrepreneurial, accountable and meaningful,” and they certainly show this in every area.

It is estimated that some 300 million children don’t have a good pair of working shoes, and S4S has been trying to get that number down.  Since being founded in 2006, S4S has been able to provide 35 million pairs of shoes in over 127 countries.

A good pair of shoes can keep people safe and healthy which helps them to maintain and work a meaningful job, thus helping end the poverty cycle that is prevalent in 3rd world nations. S4S has been able to make a positive impact on these countries.

On this National Go Barefoot day, help raise awareness of this great issue by sharing your Barefoot Day story on your social media and tagging it #GoBarefootDay.  Even further than social media, you can take a pair of your older shoes and donate them to an S4S collection drive.

You may want to go barefoot on Shaw CARESS carpeting with its finely woven Anso nylon fibers making it the softest material yet.  CARESS also touts R2X stain, soil, and odor resistant technology and a lifetime pet guarantee.

Either way, join us in National Go Barefoot day and celebrate the changing tide of bare feet around the world.