Employee Spotlight: Scott Crowson

Meet Scott Crowson, an exemplary team member of Eastman’s Carpet for over 18 years. He has provided Eastman’s with hard work and dedicated service each day.  While on the job, he is always looking out for customer’s best interest.

Outside of work, you can find Scott casting a line or two, hoping for the next greatest catch.  Scott enjoys keeping his home and lawn manicured for the best curb appeal.  He is a dedicated family man and would do anything for the people he loves.  Scott enjoys spending time with his mother, his wife Tammy and their four fur babies.

While on the job, you will often hear Scott rocking out to the tune of rock and roll hits of the 80’s.  Not only is Scott a hard worker, he is genuine, kind-hearted and easy to talk to.  We count ourselves fortunate to have Scott Crowson as part of the Eastman’s team.